Event networking app for leading Slovak bank

2 months
Delivery time
<15k EUR
Banking, Event management

About Slovenská Sporiteľna

Slovenská Sporiteľna is a leading Slovak bank. They are frequently organizing business events to boost collaboration between Slovak entrepreneurs. (one of those events is “Biznis konferencia”)

Project summary

We built a mobile responsive web app that will help event organizers to boost networking among their attendees.

Features Developed

Onboarding with integration to business register
Event directory & Event details (basic info, schedule, map, list of attendees)
Networking & Messaging between attendees

How we helped?

Thanks to our no-code development approach, SLSP was able to allocate appropriate budget for this use-case (wouldn’t be possible with traditional development approach)

Are you interested?

Let's build something great together

Other Case studies

Objavte.com – booking platform

Hopero – B2B client portal

Contact us

Let's talk

Our office:
The Spot, Bottova2a, Bratislava
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